Friday, 10 August 2007

Media frenzy

'Bizarre? Moi?'

Mr Gnome is taking media attention in his stride as the Leamington Spa Courier gives splendid coverage to the Pedal to Paris ride.

By the way, if you're visiting the blog as a result of reading the Courier, welcome!

Fundraising for the excellent work of the Royal British Legion continues excitingly with the total-so-far getting closer and closer to £700.

Training update - Saturday 11 August
Early morning route planning session at Caffe Nero, then south via Charelcote House to Chipping Campden, which is in the Cotwolds. Route was not flat.

Want to know more about the ride and how to sponsor Rory?

Please scroll down!

1 comment:

CarolK said...

Glad to see Mr G is keeping up his strength with a muffin!!!!!